Stories for EVERYONE about bicycles, cycling, and people. Curated, produced, and lovingly edited. All kinds of bicycle stories, interviews, observations, and sketch comedy. (Start with NEWER episodes first, before diving back to the first season of learning the ropes.)

Tuesday Jul 03, 2018
Tuesday Jul 03, 2018
Bike Karma EP29: Taking a Cat Cycling- Making a Bicycle to Last Forever - Bruce twarts a Mugging
Interviews and Segments-
1- Taking a cool cat on a Bicycle Ride - Judy Folkenberg and her cat Teddyboy Sinclair www.instagram.com/teddyboysinclair/
2- Making the Most Durable Bike Ever? with Clayton E. Smith of Emory Bicycles and Cmith Manufacturing www.instagram.com/emorybicycles/
3- How our favorite Bicycle Sage Bruce Miller twarted getting mugged while riding his bicycle.
4- Thanks, Still hoping to get just one person in Greenland to Listen and light up the map, waiting for that "like" from Oprah, ABC QUICK CHECK and Credits

Contact bikekarmaguy@gmail.com

Thursday May 31, 2018
Thursday May 31, 2018
Bike Karma EP28: When Velodrome Cycling was bigger than baseball - Swap Meet- Farm to Fork Fondo Touring & Tornado-
Interviews and Segments-
1- Bill Humphreys (Author of the Jersey Project) talks about the history of American Velodrome Cycling, and the fall and rebirth of American Cycling.
2- A reminder about the Wethersfield CT USA Bicycle Festival Show and Swap Meet June 10th
3- Combining the Farmers Market and Cycling: The Farm to Fork Fondo
4- Shout out to Pedalin' Ron and Fran From the Bicycle Talk Show.
5- Micheal White Shares Stories of Mayhem / Touring in Canada
6- Thanks, Still hoping to get just one person in Greenland to Listen and light up the map, waiting for that email from Oprah, ABC QUICK CHECK and Credits

Contact bikekarmaguy@gmail.com

Monday Apr 30, 2018
Bike Karma EP27- TDF Routes and Tom Simpson - Water is Life - Pigman of VT
Monday Apr 30, 2018
Monday Apr 30, 2018
Bike Karma EP27: TDF Routes and Tom Simpson - Water is Life - Pigman of VT
Interviews and Segments-
1- Touring the Tour de France Routes and Following Tom Simpson's Final Ride with Nicole Marie Davidson Author of Under the French Blue Sky http://a.co/ftDPJsq
2- How a generous water stop changed me. Water is Life!
3- Tales from Trails: The Pig Man of Devils Washbowl in Vermont, USA. with Ben from the Behind the Handlebars Podcast out of VT.
4- Thanks, Still hoping to get just one person in Greenland to Listen, please tell Oprah about the show, "I got a Sponsorship Deal for You." and Credits

Contact bikekarmaguy@gmail.com

Wednesday Mar 28, 2018
Bike Karma EP26: 3rd Annual April 1st Bicycle Comedy Skit and Satire Episode
Wednesday Mar 28, 2018
Wednesday Mar 28, 2018
Bike Karma EP26: 3rd Annual April 1st Bicycle Comedy Skit and Satire Episode
**This is an ATYPICAL episode!
Interviews and Segments-
Besides a suprise or two skits are as follows...
1- N+1 as a Scary Movie
2- Super Secret Strava Premium from the Dark Net - Any Leaderboard You Can Imagine
3- Velo-History Hunters - The Search for Hitler's Lost Bicycle
4- Baking Bicycles?!
5- Thanks, Still hoping to get just one person in Greenland to Listen, please tell Oprah about the show, and Credits

Sunday Mar 04, 2018
Sunday Mar 04, 2018
Bike Karma EP25: Bolt Together Bicycle Kit - Confessions of a MAMIL- Bicycle Headbadges - and more
Interviews and Segments-
1- Alex Bell - A bolt together bicycle kit unlike any I've seen before...
2- Stephen Holly Author of Evolution of a MAMIL (Middle Aged Man in Lycra)
3- Bicycle Headbadges -
Part 1 Eva Brook - Archaeologist,
Part 2 Vlad Dilensky, Brian Miller, and Ryan Cargo at the NAHBS, and Jenn Green - Headbadge Artist
4- A shout out to The BMX in Our Blood a bmx podcast by former guest Joe Doherty (from episode 14)
4- Thanks, Still hoping to get just one person in Greenland to Listen, please tell Oprah about the show, and Credits

Saturday Feb 03, 2018
Saturday Feb 03, 2018
Bike Karma EP24: Wood Bikes? Cold in the High Desert with the Founder of the NAHBS - Mythical Muses or Talking Bicycles
Interviews and Segments-
1- Wood Bicycles? With Max Samuelson of Woody Bicycles in Cape May, New Jersey
2- Cold in the High Desert and North American Handbuilt Bicycle Show with founder Don Walker
3- Mythical Muses and/or Talking Bicycles... Do your bikes inspire and talk to you?
4- Thanks, Please get someone in Greenland to Listen, Hey Oprah! and Credits

Monday Jan 01, 2018
Monday Jan 01, 2018
Bike Karma EP23: The Haunting Century Old Photographs of People and Their Bicycles - Winter Time Observations and Reflections from the side of the Road and Trail - A One of a Kind Bicycle Find!
Interviews and Segments-
1- Roadside Reflections :Can Exhaust be a comfort in the cold?
2- Checking out century old photographs of people and their bicycles with Brian Birkner. @carrotsnax
3- If you are New to the Show...
4- Why are my lines in the snow all crooked?
5- One of a Kind Miami Safety Cycle with Chris Hogan of Sunshine Cycle and Run
6- Thanks and Credits

Tuesday Nov 14, 2017
Tuesday Nov 14, 2017
Bike Karma EP22: Kevin the Turkey: Friend to Cyclists - Breaking the Cycle of Addiction with the Help of Mountain Bikes - When You Find an Orphaned Baby Opossum While Cycling
Interviews and Segments-
1- "Hey did you see that Turkey on the Corner?", was on the lips of everyone in town. But cyclists and pedestrians found an ally in this spunky bird.
2- Can the good feelings from Mountain Biking help change the patterns of addition? We talk to the founding members of Breaking the Cycle.
3- What do you do when you find an orphan baby opossum on the side of the road on a tour?
4- Thanks and Credits

Thursday Oct 19, 2017
Thursday Oct 19, 2017
Bike Karma EP21: Vintage Columbia Bikes - Bike Share Singapore - Bringing a Bike Shop Back to Main Street - Cycling on the Oldest Ferry in the USA
Interviews and Segments-
1- Schwinns were the king of the classic 1950's Tank Bicycles but waiting in the wings were many other brands making beautiful riders. We talk about collecting, restoring, and riding vintage Westfield Columbia Bicycles
2- We all dream of a world with bikes everywhere for everyone. Singapore got 30,000-ish and we look at how that's going and what happened next.
3- What is it like to bring a bicycle shop back into "Main Street USA" in the 21st century?
4- We take a short trip on the oldest continuously operating Ferry in the USA across the Connecticut River.
5- Thanks and Credits

Friday Sep 01, 2017
Friday Sep 01, 2017
Bike Karma EP20: The Flower Bike Movement - Hand Built Bicycles & the Builders' Ball- Unicycles
Interviews and Segments-
1- Flower Bike Man - What up with Flower Bikes?
2- Hand Built Bicycles- The Builders Ball in Boston Mass SEPT 23. Hear the story then GO THERE!
LINK TO EVENT http://newenglandbuildersball.com/
3- Are Unicycles Half the Fun? What's harder a Wheelie or Riding A Unicycle?
4- Thanks and Credits