Stories for EVERYONE about bicycles, cycling, and people. Curated, produced, and lovingly edited. All kinds of bicycle stories, interviews, observations, and sketch comedy. (Start with NEWER episodes first, before diving back to the first season of learning the ropes.)

Sunday Jun 02, 2019
Bike Karma EP 39 Defeet Cycling Socks- Best Buddies Cycling- and more
Sunday Jun 02, 2019
Sunday Jun 02, 2019
Bike Karma EP39: Segments
1- DeFeet Cycling socks with company founder Shane Cooper
2- Best Buddies Cycling - Richard Fries and Fred Thomas
& Sell your bike stuff with The Frame and Wheel
3- Farewell to Tarran the Intern & Mid-roll Invitation to do the ABC Quick Check (directions in show)- 24 hour recording Line 860-740-2813
4- Thanks for following and leaving positive reviews.
5- Swap meets and The Wethersfield Bicycle Festival
6- Greg and Bert the Cycling Dog from Tuscon, AZ
7- Announcements, Thanks, Announcements, and Credits

Contact bikekarmaguy@gmail.com

Monday Apr 22, 2019
Bike Karma EP 38 Bike Snob - Flat Diary - Gravel - Rolling Museum
Monday Apr 22, 2019
Monday Apr 22, 2019
Bike Karma EP38: Interviews and Segments
1- Let's Stop Pretending that Riding a Bicycle is Hard - with Eben Weiss aka The Bike Snob NYC
2- Journaling All Your Flat Tires - with Maria Schur aka The Bicycle Kitty
3- Mid-roll Message of Thanks
Sell your bike stuff with The Frame and Wheel
4- The Joy of Gravel Grinding with Raymond George of the Ohio Gravel Grinders
5- The Rolling Museum on the East Coast Greenway at Bolton Notch, CT with Sylvia Ounpuu of Bike Walk Bolton
https://www.facebook.com/groups/1893008981246746- Announcements, Thanks, and ABC QUICK CHECK with Tarran and Credits

Contact bikekarmaguy@gmail.com

Wednesday Apr 17, 2019
Wednesday Apr 17, 2019
Wednesday Apr 17, 2019
EP37 Atypical Annual Bicycle Comedy Show!
(Shorter and different than usual.)
Satire and skits-
-The Phone Call with Frankie Obelnicki
-Hidden Fear of Suburban Cycling with Chris Brown
-Karaoke Night at the Bicycle Coop
-Historical Cycling Moment in Women's Cycling History
-The Town That Made Stolen Bikes Their #1 Issue with Chris Brown, Chion Wolf

Sunday Mar 31, 2019
Bike Karma Episode 36 - Leadville - Ghostbikes - Winter Commuting
Sunday Mar 31, 2019
Sunday Mar 31, 2019
Bike Karma EP36: Interviews and Segments
1- Leadville The Race that Saved a Town
with Ryan Johnson from Galaxy Gear Works
2- Mid-roll Message
Sell your bike stuff with The Frame and Wheel
3- Memorial Ghost Bikes
with Elli Wright
4- Winter Commuting and An Unlucky Day
with Eric Russell of The Rolling Steel Podcast
4- Announcements, Thanks, and ABC QUICK CHECK with Tarran and Credits

Contact bikekarmaguy@gmail.com

Sunday Feb 24, 2019
Sunday Feb 24, 2019
Bike Karma EP35: Interviews and Segments
1- William Bevington - Author of Japanese Steel : Classical Bicycle Design from Japan - on instagram as @classicjapanesebicycles
2- Mid-roll Message
3- Seven Shurygin - @sprocketblog and the Sprocket App
4- Announcements (including don't forget the North American Handmade Bicycle Show 2019 in Sacremento), Thanks, and ABC QUICK CHECK with Tarran and Credits

Contact bikekarmaguy@gmail.com

Thursday Jan 31, 2019
Bike Karma EP 34- Mike Wolfe - Mars Bike - and All in for Bikes
Thursday Jan 31, 2019
Thursday Jan 31, 2019
Bike Karma EP34: Interviews and Segments
1- Mike Wolfe from American Pickers and Antique Archaeology - REALLY is a "Bicycle Guy".
2- Sam Lavoie from the Rhode Island School of Design and their MARS Rover Bike Project (from the NE Builders Ball 2018)
3- Rich Bernoulli from the United Bicycle Institute shares a story about someone being a little too eager to go ALL IN for bikes. (from NAHBS 2018)
4- Announcements, Thanks, and ABC QUICK CHECK with Tarran and Credits

Contact bikekarmaguy@gmail.com

Tuesday Dec 04, 2018
Tuesday Dec 04, 2018
Bike Karma EP33: Interviews and Segments
1- Finding a Body In the Woods While Mountain Biking with Rob Bunting.
2- Mystery: Why is my Schwinn Varsity so heavy?
3- The Adventures of Glenn and Kasey from Kagey Caps: from stolen bikes to new jobs in the bike industry and designing REALLY TINY art for your bicycle.
4- Announcements, Thanks, and ABC QUICK CHECK with Tarran and Credits

Contact bikekarmaguy@gmail.com

Monday Oct 08, 2018
Monday Oct 08, 2018
Bike Karma EP32: Interviews and Segments
1- The Story of Abbey Bike Tools with Jason Quade
2- Gregory Honn tells his story about meeting and working with Eddy Merckx
3- My First Time in Copenhagen by Nathan Durkes aka a Cyclist in a Strange Land
4- Thanks, Still hoping to get just one person in Greenland to Listen and light up the map, waiting for that email from Oprah, ABC QUICK CHECK with Tarran and Credits

Contact bikekarmaguy@gmail.com

Friday Sep 07, 2018
Friday Sep 07, 2018
Bike Karma EP31: Interviews and Segments
1- What Happens When you get your kid the wrong bicycle and other collecting vintage bicycle stories with Bicycle Mike Kaplan
2- Where the streets have no cars and how the pedal to the medal ride started with Chion Wolf. Link to PTTM
3- Cycling on an Island with Diedrict L. from St Croix.
4- Please check out Show Supporter Emory Bikes Emory Bikes Facebook
5- Chris Haag talks about the tour he is now on with his wife Sophie. The Places I Pee: A Bicycle Odyssey Through the Americas
6- Friend of the Show Eric Weis shares information about this years New England Builders Ball Bicycle Show in Boston... http://newenglandbuildersball.com/
7- Thanks, Still hoping to get just one person in Greenland to Listen and light up the map, waiting for that email from Oprah, ABC QUICK CHECK with Tarran and Credits

Contact bikekarmaguy@gmail.com

Tuesday Jul 31, 2018
Tuesday Jul 31, 2018
Bike Karma EP30: The Siren Song of Welding - Emory Bikes Kickstarter- Weis Asymetrical Bikes- Too Long a Bike Trip w Builders Ball
Interviews and Segments-
1- Following the Siren Song of Welding to Building Your Own Bicycle (and Beyond) with Danielle Schön of Schön Studio... https://www.schonstudio.com/
2- Please help show supporter Emory Bicycles (from EP 29) to share the word about their upcomming kickstarter. Check them out at www.instagram.com/emorybicycles/ and http://emorybikes.com/ Email them at emorybikes@gmail.com (Mention Bike Karma to help the show...)
3- Asymetrical bicycle frames with Cole Bennett from Weis Manufacturing out of Brooklyn New York Check out their very artistic frames here http://www.weismfg.com/
4- Friend of the Show Eric Weis shares a story about taking his daughter a bit too far on a bicycle trip! & Shares information about this years New England Builders Ball Bicycle Show in Boston... http://newenglandbuildersball.com/
5- Thanks, Still hoping to get just one person in Greenland to Listen and light up the map, waiting for that email from Oprah, ABC QUICK CHECK with Tarran and Credits

Contact bikekarmaguy@gmail.com